In reaction to COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, ARCEL is actively applying governmental measures in order to protect our team and our partners. Thanks to our continuity plan and our employees' dedication, we keep the operations as close as the usual course of business.
Office employees have switched seamless to home office work. They remain at your service. You can use the usual contact details.
Our factory is also still running operations despite ARCEL is strictly following safety instructions.
Our shipping department is opened for shipping an receiving material.
Delays and material breaches can be expected in the supply chain considering the actual circumstances of worldwide industry. ARCEL is monitoring closely the situation and will handle each case one by one to react accordingly.
We advise all our customer to anticipate PO that can be placed in advance, in order to guaranty the best reactivity at the restart of the industry.
Please also keep your usual contacts at ARCEL informed by email of your organizational changes and indicate any changes in phone and email contact details concerning your organization.
We remain at your disposal for any request. ARCEL also wish you good luck in the management of this sanitary crisis in your personal and professional life
See you soon for new projects!
ARCEL's team
(1755) (8)